Residential Income Property Analysis Calculator

house This calculator will compute several important factors for determining the potential and viability of an existing or proposed residential income property. Factors calculated include: DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ration), NOI (Net Operating Income), NIM (Net Income Multiplier), CAP (Capitalization Ratio), and more.

Property Information Help & Instruct
Purchase Price: To recieve help and/or instructions on any given line item, click inside the adjacent entry field.

Down Payment: %
Loan Term (Years):
Interest Rate (%):
Payment Type (Select P & I or Interest-Only):
P & I Payment ($):
Closing Costs ($):
Gross Scheduled Income (GSI):
Vacancy Rate (%):
Number of Units:
Other Income (Annual laundry, late fees, etc.):
Capitalization Rate Required (Optional):
Annual Opertating Expenses Help & Instruct
Accounting ($): To recieve help and/or instructions on any given line item, click inside the adjacent entry field.

Admin/Legal/Bank Charges ($):
Advertising ($):
Electricity ($):
Elevator ($):
Gas ($):
Landscaping ($):
Legal ($):
Maintenance & Repair ($):
Payroll Taxes ($):
Permits & Licenses ($):
Pest Control ($):
Pool ($): To recieve help and/or instructions on any given line item, click inside the adjacent entry field.

Property Insurance ($): %
Property Management ($): %
Real Estate Taxes ($): %
Security ($):
Supplies ($):
Telephone ($):
Tenant buyout ($):
Trash ($):
Water ($):
Other ($):
Other ($):
Income Statement & Cash Flow Explanations
Gross Scheduled Income (GSI): For an explantion of any result, click in the adjacent result field.

Less Vacancy:
Total Actual Annual Income:
Other Income:
Gross Operating Income (GOI):
Total Operating Expenses:
Net Operating Income (NOI):
Annual Debt Service (Mortgage Payments):
Before Tax Cash Flows:
Key Operating Ratios Explanations
Capitalization Rate (CAP): For an explantion of any result, click in the adjacent result field.

Cash on Cash (COC):
Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM):
Net Income Multiplier (NIM):
Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR):
Expense Ratio (ER) per Unit :
Price Per Unit:
Property Value Based on Required CAP Rate (if entered):


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Property Analysis.